An innovative, blended development programme to provide key coaching skills to all managers.

In 2019, following it's latest employee engagement survey and the launch of its core values project, Sport England looked for an external provider to help develop coaching skills for all line managers with the ultimate aim of creating a coaching culture throughout the organisation.
It was agreed from the beginning that the programme would be delivered using a ‘blended’ learning approach; a mix of online and face to face delivery. The programme began with this plan but only weeks into it, the pandemic struck and andpartnership reacted swiftly to propose a ‘virtual’ option with the same content that would still be engaging and drive the results required.
The programme’s eight modules were delivered over a five-month period, with opportunities for skills practice in between modules. This approach ensured that the programme was accessible and convenient, particularly for hybrid workers and enabled time to embed new skills and ensure behaviour change.

The results
To ensure that a Return on Investment was measured, andpartnership designed a pre and post questionnaire that was available digitally to both participants and also to the rest of the colleagues in the organisation (to identify whether they had observed a culture change).
An anonymised full version of the impact report is available on request.
In summary, every coaching-related skill/behaviour saw an increase both in the participants and also organisation-wide.
A 23% increase in participant pre v postscores for the question - The organisation provides an environment that encourages me to coach.
A 16% increase in colleague pre v postscores for the question -I benefit from regular coaching conversations with my line manager.
Learning & Development Manager, Sport England
“Sport England have been partnering with andpartnership for a couple of years now.
They have delivered our highly successful Line Manger as Coach programme as well as a number of other bespoke learning interventions.
What I appreciate most about andpartnership is their genuinely collaborative approach, nothing is “off the shelf” and they work hard to understand our needs and context.
We have always received excellent feedback from our employees who attend their workshops and they are a trusted partner I look forward to continuing to work with.”
If you’d like to find out more about the programmes we offer, contact us here.