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Management Development

We are able to offer a number of bite-sized sessions (both virtual or face-to-face) on a whole range of different management topics. They include:
Emotional Intelligence
Personal Resilience & Mental Toughness
Time Management & Delegation
Project Management
Collaborative Working
Managing Conflict
Communicating Effectively
Holding Effective Meetings
Presentation Skills / Presenting with EDGE!
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Leadership Essentials
Motivating the Team
Coaching and Mentoring
Understanding Equality & Diversity
Performance Management
Talent Management
Managing Change
This list is not exhaustive. We are really happy to work with you to develop bespoke sessions that suit your organisational needs.
Sessions can be anything from a 45-minute ‘lunch & learn’ style session up to 3 hours. We are flexible to ensure your people get the most beneficial product for their requirements.
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