Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Leading through an Inclusive lens is crucial in any leadership role
We have a range of approaches to help leaders and teams to ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of everything they do. Everything we offer is bespoke to you and its important for us to co-create meaningful learning. We can offer:
Inclusive Leadership Programmes - Which can consist of multiple Face to Face / Virtual Sessions. Exploring how to lead inclusively, starting with the basics, to leading people with an inclusive lens. Strategies to create diverse, inclusive workplaces.
An Introduction to EDI - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Introduction to everything that you need to know to grow your understanding, knowledge and awareness.
Bitesize Learning Modules - cover different aspects of EDI, bespoke to your needs and requirements
Masterclasses - Introduce EDI, Challenge Bias, Being an ally, Inclusive Language
Different sessions for:
Colleagues – Knowledge and Awareness, Dignity at Work
ï‚·People Managers – As above + focus on manager tasks such as recruitment, talent management, motivating a team, etc.
ï‚·Leaders – Strategies to create diverse, inclusive workplaces
They can be standalone or included in a Leadership, Management or Talent Programme.
They can also include: pre and post questionnaires, digital learning and train the trainer.
We can support focus groups or come along to be a guest speaker to share experiences
Why is this so important to modern leadership (including benefits, stats, millennial
differences, etc).
Definitions – Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Key Legislation - Equality Act, discrimination, speaking up, Physiological safety.
How to cultivate an Inclusive Culture in your team/department/organisation - Reverse Mentoring, embracing neuro diversity, 6 pillars of wellbeing and inclusive adjustments as well as opportunity to discuss ideas in smaller groups. Link between engagement and performance.​
Focus on Emotional Intelligence + Emotional Maturity – essential in the modern leader’s toolkit.
Being person-centered, leading with compassion and curiosity
Leading Respect and Dignity (what is acceptable, crossing the line, banter, leadership techniques)
How to be an ally and what that means
ï‚·Action planning / What can you do next? How do you know your getting it right / What do my team need?
It is recommended that sessions are 2-hours each but can be from 30-minute bitesize sessions
to 4-hour intensive.
Optional Pre-Work
Key Legislation
Why its important, what if we are not inclusive
How can I be more self aware
What is Unconscious Bias? Why does it exist?
Recognising your own Unconscious Bias including practical examples
Benefit of raising awareness, pitfalls of not! Types of Unconscious Bias
How to minimise your own (and others) Unconscious Bias - in recruitment, in talent management, in general
Circle of influence
What can I do to be more curious
Action planning / What can you do next?
It is recommended that sessions are 2-hours each but can be from 30-minute bitesize sessions
to 4-hour intensive.