Ideas to quieten Limiting Self-Talk/Self-Limiting Beliefs 10:59:28 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: interrogate it 10:59:31 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: discuss with your support network ;) 10:59:49 From Ffion George To Everyone: Listing to myself all the things I have done. 10:59:53 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: remind yourself what you are good at 11:00:17 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: ask myself why I feel I am not good enough 11:00:23 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: practice doing it 11:00:49 From Michelle To Everyone: posters on the wall behind me remind me I can do stuff 11:00:49 From Alice Sage To Everyone: I have started to use a positive mantra to counter it Impact of SLBs 11:03:23 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: embarassed 11:03:25 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: demotivated 11:03:26 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: Validates their fears 11:03:27 From Ffion George To Everyone: It went exactly how I expected 11:03:28 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: frustrated because you know later what you really wanted to say 11:03:29 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: like their self limiting belief was warranted 11:04:02 From Ffion George To Everyone: Makes it worse 11:04:04 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: nervous 11:04:04 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: even more nervous 11:04:05 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: less confident 11:04:06 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: fear Meaning I attribute to a Senior Questionner when I squash that SLB 11:05:00 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: they value what I think 11:05:01 From Alice Sage To Everyone: They want to hear what I think 11:05:03 From julie.griffith To Everyone: They appreciate my view 11:05:04 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: they respect your experience 11:05:06 From Ffion George To Everyone: they're interested 11:05:06 From Michelle To Everyone: they want an answer 11:05:09 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: that they are interested in what you are talking about 11:05:19 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: they see me as an expert Impact on them when I respond with confidence 11:05:28 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: wing it! 11:05:46 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: say I will find out 11:05:50 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: suggest who they could ask if you know someone who would know 11:05:53 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: love it andy! 11:06:02 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: say you'll think about it and get back to them 11:06:10 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: calm and rational response 11:06:56 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: They have been acknowledged / validated 11:06:57 From Ffion George To Everyone: Confident in you is heightened 11:07:05 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: confident in you 11:07:05 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: trust maintained 11:07:06 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: they know they can ask you again because you will try and found out the answer and not have a wobble 11:07:17 From Michelle To Everyone: they appreciate that you found it interesting even without an answer 11:07:33 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: confidence 11:07:42 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: excited for the next question 11:07:58 From Michelle To Everyone: I won't embarrass myself... as much... 11:08:01 From Ffion George To Everyone: Confidence grown Imposed Change - Cycle Diagnosis - what I see in those around me 11:25:30 From Michelle To Everyone: explore 11:25:32 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: acceptance 11:25:32 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: Diffrent teams on site are in different places 11:25:36 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: In the volunteers = anger and denial, in staff = blame and bargain 11:25:44 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: different stages in different relationships/projects at work - blame, integration, bargaining 11:25:57 From Ffion George To Everyone: It varies but we have a lot on site down in apathy who seem to swing between blame and acceptance too 11:26:00 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Some people are keen and in Explore - others are still in denial! Observations of core factor behind peoples' lack of engagement or resistance 11:27:35 From Alice Sage To Everyone: curious..... what we doing? 11:32:13 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: they don't see what's in it for them 11:32:18 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Don't know why and how it fits with their values 11:32:20 From Ffion George To Everyone: lack of trust 11:32:29 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: they can't see what is in it for them 11:32:30 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: trust 11:32:33 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: lack of understanding 11:32:39 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Understanding - what is required and why it is needed 11:32:47 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: comms need 11:32:48 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: all of the above Ideas/Options to build TRUST 11:57:50 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: can we talk a bit more about how to increase trust? 11:59:02 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Meaningful conversations, even just over a cup of tea, approachable 11:59:02 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: give them a voice 11:59:04 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: acknowledge own mistakes and learns to create an environment where trying things out is more than okay 11:59:13 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: making sure you are as open and honest as you can be 11:59:25 From Alice Sage To Everyone: acknowledge where things have changed - don't shy away from hearing criticisms and other ideas 11:59:31 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: consulting as part of creating a direction of travel 11:59:32 From Ffion George To Everyone: I've found going for walks with individuals and listening to what they have to share from their heart - then find active ways to respond to that. Do what you say you'll do. 11:59:35 From Michelle To Everyone: I have struggled with this. Giving people agency to do their jobs 11:59:46 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: walking meetings for the win! ideally with coffee in hand and outdoors 11:59:52 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Don't make promises you can't keep 12:00:05 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Be honest, don't just try to please everyone 12:01:29 From Ffion George To Everyone: Give people your time. trust is built in a relationship. You can't have a relationship without time given. 12:02:10 From julie.griffith To Everyone: People getting to know you Response to possible Stressful situations 12:10:49 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 12:10:50 From Ffion George To Everyone: No thanks!! 12:10:51 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: thrilling 12:10:52 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: fear 12:10:54 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Nope 12:10:59 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: excitment 12:11:05 From Michelle To Everyone: I am a sheepdog when I get going. eustress!!!! 12:11:08 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: 🤢 12:11:19 From Ffion George To Everyone: Daily life 12:11:25 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek 12:11:28 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: i'm going to drop something 12:11:29 From Alice Sage To Everyone: impossible 12:11:31 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Groan 12:11:34 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: inspired - looks like she's doing a great job and is pretty chill haha 12:11:37 From Michelle To Everyone: I want to know which way the balls are going 12:11:42 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: im going to miss something 12:11:49 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: get me out of here 12:11:50 From julie.griffith To Everyone: YES! 12:11:51 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: carbon footprint 12:11:53 From Ffion George To Everyone: left behind 12:11:55 From Michelle To Everyone: oh dear...…. 12:11:57 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: I hope that's not my one 12:12:08 From Michelle To Everyone: if only... 12:12:09 From Alice Sage To Everyone: seems sad that one 12:12:11 From julie.griffith To Everyone: I was thinking holiday :) 12:12:17 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: mixed feelings on that one! 12:12:31 From Ffion George To Everyone: definitely a sad vibe on that one for me Situations that make me feel STRESSED 12:13:26 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: lots of deadlines all today and not time to meet them 12:13:28 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: when I am out of my comfort zone 12:13:29 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: things that have not been done yet 12:13:30 From Ffion George To Everyone: Not feeling informed when I am expected to deliver something 12:13:31 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: lack of thinking space so that I can prioritise to allow me to deliver a heavy workload 12:13:36 From Michelle To Everyone: balance of ops and creative duties 12:13:40 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Pressure to have good ideas at short notice! 12:13:41 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: nopt feeling prepared 12:13:45 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: feeling overwhelmed with workload 12:13:46 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Lots of people wanting things from me and they are really important to them but not top of my priority list 12:13:51 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: staff having wobblies when I'm already really busy but need to give them more time 12:13:58 From Alice Sage To Everyone: unhappy and stressed people around me 12:14:12 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: holding things up as doing other things - such as decisions needed WHAT HELPS TO REDUCE PRESSURE/INCREASE MY RESILIENCE 12:26:06 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: lists - look at priorities 12:26:09 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: review to do list an park non-urgent tasks 12:26:10 From Ffion George To Everyone: Write down lists 12:26:12 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: Be stricter with yourself about focus time 12:26:18 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Being comfortable to say no 12:26:20 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: delegate 12:26:21 From Michelle To Everyone: to ask myself 'am I overpromising?' 12:26:24 From Ffion George To Everyone: take yourself to a comfortable environment 12:26:27 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: talk to boss about what he sees as a priority 12:26:33 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: make sure I get perspective - making sure I get time outside of work for hobbies/family/friends to make sure work is in its proper mental scale in my head 12:26:48 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Saying a quick No rather than a slow reluctant "maybe" 12:26:55 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Support network often puts things in perspective esp from outside of work 12:27:19 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: balance again! 12:27:20 From Ffion George To Everyone: Get away from other distractions 12:27:20 From Michelle To Everyone: can I delegate this?? 12:27:23 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: and lists 12:27:26 From Miranda Garrett To Everyone: work/life balance 12:27:26 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: work from home 12:27:29 From helen.brattwyton To Everyone: get of site - talk to others 12:27:31 From andy.cochrane To Everyone: celebrate wins 12:27:36 From julie.griffith To Everyone: Empower team 12:27:43 From Ffion George To Everyone: visit an inspiring place 12:27:48 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: ask for help/advice - draw on support networks inside and outside of work 12:27:50 From eilidh.auckland To Everyone: have a G&T and good moan with partner 12:28:00 From Hannah Mawdsley To Everyone: G&T seconded :) 12:28:06 From Ffion George To Everyone: Thirded! 12:28:12 From Alice Sage To Everyone: Accept that certain things take time and have to be done - esp. people management / recruitment / sickness CHECK-OUT Eildh - Focus on WIIFM when launching new Interpreation in Janaury Michelle L - Delegating Miranda - By stricter with msyelf Julie - Notcie those SLBs and the impact I can have Ffion - Refocussing and the Impact I have/seek Alice - Reach out and activate my support network Helen - SLBs, give my Imposter Syndrome a name Michelle - similiar " Andy - Be more structured with my time, Control my time. Run up that hill! Hannah - Communicate more to deliver Chnage, incldue the WHY and the WHAT, in clear digestible chunk, and so build trust in all directions